Friday, May 29, 2009

Egypt: The closure of unlicensed veterinary clinics in Kafr Sheikh

Friday, May 29, 2009 - 16:46

Dr. Farid Jaafar and Deputy Minister of Veterinary Medicine in Kafr-Sheikh on the seventh day, that the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine, will be the appointment of 50 veterinarians, will be announced and receive their papers appointment next week, for more control over veterinary, required in several locations to maintain the positions ten, in order to control the appearance of any of the hotbeds of bird flu or pigs, and the development of doctors in ambushes to maintain the existing outlets in order to prevent the entry or exit of any infected birds.

وقال جعفر، إن مديرية الطب البيطرى تقوم بحصر شامل لأعداد المراكز والعيادات البيطرية بالمحافظة، للتأكد من إتباعها لأسلوب عملها، وتقديم علاج سليم، وتحديد غير المرخص منها لغلقه على الفور، حرصا على تقديم أعلى مستوى من الخدمة العلاجية الآمنة، فى ظل انتشار وباء أنفلونزا الطيور.

Jaafar said that the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine is a comprehensive inventory of the number of centers and veterinary clinics, the government, to make sure to follow the way of work, and to provide proper treatment and to identify unauthorized to close immediately, in order to provide the highest level of service in the safe treatment, in light of the spread of avian influenza .

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