Saturday, May 23, 2009

Italian suspected of being infected with swine flu "sound"

Confirmation from the Ministry of Health and Quarantine airport

Saturday, May 23, 2009 - 14:31

Dr. Hassan Shaaban, Managing Director of the quarantine at Cairo International Airport for the seventh day, the Ministry of Health said the safety of the Italian passenger who was removed on Friday on suspicion of being infected with swine flu, with the results of examination negative.

يذكر أن إيسرن
و كارميلو (34 سنة) قد وصل للقاهرة أمس قادماً من روما على متن خطوط الطيران الإيطالية، وبتوقيع الفحص الطبى عليه بواسطة طبيب الحجر الصحى تبين ارتفاع درجة حرارته وإصابته بالتهاب فى الحلق، فتم عزله بحميات العباسية للتأكد من إصابته بالفيروس من عدمه، خاصة وأن إيطاليا ضمن دائرة الاشتباه التى حددتها منظمة الصحة العالمية.

Is noteworthy that Iisrno Carmelo (34 years) had arrived in Cairo yesterday from Rome on the Italian airline, and the signing of the medical examination by a physician quarantine shows a high degree of fever and an inflammation of the throat, was isolated Bhmyat Abbasiyah to confirm whether or not a virus, especially Italy and within the circle of suspicion set by the World Health Organization.

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