Sunday, May 31, 2009

Egypt: Alexandria Gov.: Suspected in the deadly bird flu Bmatarouh

We also posted this recently, on May 25th:
"Health affairs, has also Bmatarouh detention of Muhammad Hafiz (3 years) and half of hospital-Sadr and the transfer of Bmatarouh Zaaba Abdul Aziz al-Karim (60 years) of the Naga Saadaoy the status of children admitted to hospital in the bathroom of Alexandria."

Sunday, May 31, 2009 - 16:25
The child had contact with live birds and some died

Central Hospital, the bathroom was detained on suspicion of a girl infected with bird flu symptoms after an outbreak of the disease was transferred to a hospital in Alexandria for the treatment of fevers.

كانت الطفلة رحمة عبد الله إمبيوة "4 سنوات" من مدينة الحمام قد دخلت المستشفى بعد شعورها بآلام فى الجسد واحتقان بالحلق وارتفاع درجة الحرارة لـ39 درجة، مما أدى إلى اشتباه فى إصابتها بأنفلونزا الطيور، خاصة بعد ثبوت أنها كانت تخالط الطيور الحية ونفق بعضها. The mercy of the girl child, Abdullah Impiop "4 years" from the city of pigeons have entered the hospital after feeling pain in the body, sore throat and high temperature of 39 degrees, which led to suspicion of bird flu, especially after testing it had contact with live birds and some died.

من جانبها قامت لجنة مكافحة انتشار المرض بتوقيع الكشف على المخالطين وإعدام الطيور بمنزل المريضة والمنازل المجاورة وتطهير المنطقة. For its part, the Commission on the signing of the fight against the spread of the disease detection and culling contacts the patient's home and nearby houses and clear the area.

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