Saturday, May 2, 2009

A girl with 43 degrees of temperature

Hattip Aquarius

his comments ..This is from, a Mexican Newspaper.... I've been reading about the 1918 flu and vomiting blood was a common symptom. This is the first I've heard about it with this flu. Could it be mutating or is that just a pnemonia symptom?

A girl with 43 degrees of temperature

Denuncian falta Whistleblower de atención médica Healthcare

Por Santos Gabriel Us Aké For Santos Gabriel Us Aké

Decenas de personas acudieron ayer a las clínicas públicas por tener fiebre o algún síntoma que les preocupa, pero lo peor de todo es que algunos no recibieron atención médica, entre ellos los menores Demiyairel Cordero y Víctor Andrés, según denunciaron sus padres por separado; mientras tanto, las clínicas del Seguro Social no dieron consulta externa ayer, por ser día inhábil, y solamente atendieron a quienes tenían síntomas de gripe. Dozens of people came yesterday to public clinics for fever or any symptoms that worry, but the worst part is that some did not receive medical care, including children Demiyairel and Victor Andrés Cordero, as reported by their parents separate, while Meanwhile, the Social Security clinics gave no consultation yesterday, as non-working day, and only those who attended were flu symptoms.

Jesús Cordero Cabrera, angustiado y con su hija enferma Demiyairel en brazos, denunció que desde hace cuatro días le dieron un jarabe en el Hospital General “Jesús Kumate Rodríguez”, pero continuó con fiebre, incluso ha vomitado sangre, y lo peor de todo fue que ayer se negaron a atenderla de nuevo. Jesús Cordero Cabrera, distressed and with his sick daughter in her arms Demiyairel, reported that for four days gave a syrup at the General Hospital "Jesus Kumate Rodriguez," but continued with fever, even vomited blood, and worst of all was yesterday refused to meet again.

Respondió que tiene 43 grados centígrados de temperatura, tiene tos, y señaló que a pesar de que el director del nosocomio ordenó que atiendan a su hija, el médico cuyo nombre no precisó se negó a prestar el servicio. Has responded to 43 degrees centigrade temperature, coughing, and noted that although the hospital director ordered to serve his daughter, the doctor whose name did not refused to provide the service.

Ante esta situación, preocupado por la influenza humana, decidió acudir a la Jurisdicción Sanitaria Número Dos a presentar su queja. In this situation, concerned about the human influenza, he decided to attend the Sanitary Jurisdiction Number Two to file your complaint.

Por su parte, Laura Serracino trajo también a su hijo Víctor Andrés al Hospital General, y denunció que no quisieron atenderlo sino que lo mandaron al Centro de Salud de la Región 516. For its part, Laura Serracino also brought his son Victor Andres General Hospital and reported that they would not attend but sent him to the Health Center of Region 516.

Explicó que desde hace cuatro días se niegan a atenderlo en la Sala de Urgencias con el argumento de que su fiebre aún no es muy alta. He explained that for four days refused to attend the emergency room on the grounds that his fever is still not very high. Ella manifestó su preocupación por esta situación, y mostró la hoja para que vaya al Centro de Salud de la Región 516. She expressed concern about this situation and showed the leaf to go to the Health Center of Region 516.

El Hospital General “Jesús Kumate Rodríguez” trabajó normalmente ayer debido a la contingencia sanitaria contra la influenza humana, y el próximo cinco de mayo no habrá consulta externa sino solamente urgencias. General Hospital "Jesús Rodríguez Kumate" normally worked yesterday due to health contingency against human influenza, and next May there will be five outpatient emergencies only.

Mientras tanto, de acuerdo a un recorrido realizado en las clínicas del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), se constató que por ser día inhábil no prestó servicios para consulta externa en general. Meanwhile, according to a tour conducted in clinics of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), which was found to be non-working day did not provide outpatient services in general.

El Seguro Social no apoyó la disposición federal de trabajar normalmente, sino solamente atendía a quienes tengan fiebre, congestión nasal o malestar general en el cuerpo. Social Security did not support the provision of federal work normally, but only those who have cared for fever, nasal congestion and general malaise in the body. Y las áreas de urgencias todas laboraron como de costumbre en los días feriados. And the areas of emergency all worked as usual on holidays.

Por ejemplo, en la Unidad de Medicina Familiar, del Hospital General de Zona del IMSS de la avenida Cobá, había alrededor de seis personas con síntomas de gripe esperando su turno de atención. For example, in the Family Medicine Unit, Hospital General de Zona IMSS Cobá the avenue, there were about six people with flu symptoms waiting their turn for attention.

Dozens of people came yesterday to public clinics for fever or any symptoms that worry, but the worst part is that some did not receive medical care, including children Demiyairel and Victor Andrés Cordero, as reported by their parents separate, while Meanwhile, the Social Security clinics gave no consultation yesterday, as non-working day, and only those who attended were flu symptoms.

Jesús Cordero Cabrera, distressed and with his sick daughter in her arms Demiyairel, reported that for four days gave a syrup at the General Hospital "Jesus Kumate Rodriguez," but continued with fever, even vomited blood, and worst of all was yesterday refused to meet again.

Has responded to 43 degrees centigrade temperature, coughing, and noted that although the hospital director ordered to serve his daughter, the doctor whose name did not refused to provide the service.

. In this situation, concerned about the human influenza, he decided to attend the Sanitary Jurisdiction Number Two to file your complaint.

. For its part, Laura Serracino also brought his son Victor Andres General Hospital and reported that they would not attend but sent him to the Health Center of Region 516.

. He explained that for four days refused to attend the emergency room on the grounds that his fever is still not very high. She expressed concern about this situation and showed the leaf to go to the Health Center of Region 516.

General Hospital "Jesús Rodríguez Kumate" normally worked yesterday due to health contingency against human influenza, and next May there will be five outpatient emergencies only.

Meanwhile, according to a tour conducted in clinics of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), which was found to be non-working day did not provide outpatient services in general.

Social Security did not support the provision of federal work normally, but only those who have cared for fever, nasal congestion and general malaise in the body. And the areas of emergency all worked as usual on holidays.

For example, in the Family Medicine Unit, Hospital General de Zona IMSS Cobá the avenue, there were about six people with flu symptoms waiting their turn for attention.

However, it was not possible to contact patients, or photograph, as private security agents denied access.

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