Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sorour refuses to blame the Minister for Health

Rejected Dr. Fathi Sorour, President of the People's any blame to the Minister of Health on his press in an independent newspaper on the swine flu, which said that the disease will enter Egypt, sooner or later, and he had a plan to include the establishment of the face of mass graves and a plan of insurance, Sorour said, "People Ptkhav Tkhchic what, and when it says the attachment of influenza and chicken Bidia. "

وأضاف، "أنا لا أعرف إذا كان ما نشر على لسان الوزير صح أم لا، لكن لا أحد يلوم الوزير، ولكن نسال هل الكلام ده لتخويف الناس ولا صح"، وتابع سرور "هو الدكتور لما بيكشف على مريض ويقول مرضه بنلومه ونقول ليه، إحنا بنشكره"، وأضاف سنطلب من وزير الصحة أن يأتى إلى المجلس لتفسير كلامه.

He added, "I do not know whether what was reported by a minister is true or not, but nobody can blame the minister, but to ask whether you have this to intimidate people, and so", he said, pleased, "Dr. Bekshv as a patient and his illness Bnlomh say and say why, we Bensl ", he added, we will ask the Minister of Health to come to the Board for the interpretation of his words.

جاء ذلك رداً على ما أثار نائب الأغلبية حازم حمادى خلال بيان عاجل، وقال فيه إن حديث الوزير أثار نوعاً من القلق فى الشارع، وكان يجب على الوزير ألا يتحدث بهذا الشكل عن خطته لمواجهة دخول الأنفلونزا.

This came in response to the Deputy raised the majority Humadi firm during an urgent statement, said that the minister told a kind of concern raised in the street, and the Minister must not be talking this way about his plan to counter the entry of influenza.

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