Saturday, June 20, 2009

Egyptian trade drugs abolished the Hajj and Umrah trips for fear of the swine flu

Saturday, June 20, 2009 - 14:51

Mohamed Al-Wahab, head of the General Syndicate of Workers of the trade, considering that the union over the next three days in the meeting, the possibility of cancellation of flights for the Hajj pilgrimage this year to hold the reserves, for fear of transmission of H1N1 virus, known as swine flu.

وأضاف رئيس النقابة، أن هناك حالة خوف وقلق من انتقال العدوى بين الحجاج والمعتمرين فى الأراضى المقدسة نتيجة التزاحم وسهولة انتقال المرض بين البشر، معبراً عن أسفه لهذا الإجراء الاحتياطى.

He said the union, there is a state of fear and concern of the transmission between the pilgrims and pilgrims in the Holy Land a result of overcrowding and ease of transmission of the disease among humans, expressing regret that this action reserves.

وأكد وهب بالله بصفته رئيساً للجنة النقابية للشركة المصرية لتجارة الأدوية، أنه تم إلغاء رحلات الحج والعمرة بالشركة المصرية لتجارة الأدوية بالفعل بعد ارتفاع أعداد المصابين بالفيروس فى مصر والسعودية والعديد من دول العالم.

The donation of God, in his capacity as Chairman of the Committee of Association of the Egyptian Company for the trade of medicines, was the abolition of the Hajj and Umrah trips the Egyptian Company for the trade of drugs already high numbers of people living with HIV in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and many countries in the world.

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