Saturday, June 13, 2009

Egypt...."injuring a woman on suspicion of bird flu Balqntrp West"

[ETA: This woman has tested negative. Posted below as Ms. Nafisa Abdul Basit (50).]


[Note date of article]

Meanwhile, a medical source said that the Department of Health Hospital in Ismailia Ismailia diets received the case of a woman from the city West Qantara suffer from high temperatures and is suspected of being infected with bird flu Pfirs.

وأكد المصدر ان السيدة "47" سنة تقوم بتربية الدواجن والطيور في منزلها بمدينة القنطرة غرب .وأنها شعرت بأعراض مشابهة حيث توجهت إلى مستشفى القنطرة غرب للكشف عليها .مما استدعى الأطباء لتحويلها لمستشفى الحميات للاشتباه في إصابتها بالفيروس.

The source added that the woman "47" years of raising poultry and birds in her home town of Kantara West. And it felt similar symptoms and went to a hospital in West Qantara to detect it. Doctors and was transferred to a hospital for fever on suspicion of being infected with the virus.

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