Thursday, June 4, 2009

Egypt's Mufti calls for an advisory opinion on the group to postpone the Hajj and Umrah

[This is an older article, back when they were thinking of postponing the Hajj...but they decided not to postpone it. I want this article here, for historical purposes.....]

Thursday, 14/05/2009
Called on Dr. Ali Gomaa, Mufti of Egypt, to the need for collective effort among all the jurisprudential academies recognized at the level of the Islamic world, in order to escape the advisory opinion of a unified position of Islamic law explains about the possibility of postponing the performance of Hajj and Umrah, because of the spread of swine flu virus.

وقال جمعة فى تصريحات خاصة لـ "المصرى اليوم": "الفتوى بتأجيل أداء الحج والعمرة لا ينبغى أن تصدر بصورة فردية، وإنما يجب أن تتم فى صورة جماعية بحضور فقهاء الأمة الإسلامية، والتنسيق مع المجامع الفقهية المعتمدة فى العالم الإسلامى". Gomaa said in exclusive statements to "Egyptian Today": "fatwa to postpone the performance of Hajj and Umrah should not be made individually, but must be in the form of a collective presence of the scholars of the Islamic nation, and coordination with the jurisprudential academies based in the Islamic world."

وأضاف: تأجيل أداء الحج والعمرة فى حالة انتشار الفيروس بصورة كبيرة له جانب فنى تحدده الجهات المعنية مثل وزارات الصحة والبيئة والزراعة ثم تأتى بعد ذلك، وبناء على تقارير هذه الوزارات، اجتهادات علماء الأمة الإسلامية لتحديد موقف موحد من هذا الخطر".

He added: delay in the performance of Hajj and Umrah in the case of the spread of the virus in a large part determined by the technical stakeholders such as ministries of health, environment and agriculture, then comes the, on the reports of the ministries, the nation's scholars of Islamic jurisprudence to define a common position on this threat. "

وأكد جمعة إن حفظ حياة الإنسان ووقايته من الأمراض من مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية، لافتاً إلى تأييده الإجراءات الوقائية التى اتخذتها وزارة الصحة لحماية المواطنين من مخاطر انتشار فيروس أنفلونزا الخنازير.

Gom'a The maintenance of human life and prevention of diseases of the purposes of Islamic law, he said, pointing to support preventive actions taken by the Ministry of Health to protect citizens from the dangers of the spread of swine flu virus.

1 comment:

Abdul Rahim said...

Assalamu alaikum.
Qur-aanic research shows that we can perform Hajj for 4 months starting from Ramazan. Please visit: