Thursday, July 9, 2009

Egypt: 2 Suspected of Bird Flu (H5N1) in Damanhour

The detention of two suspected bird flu lake

Thursday, July 9, 2009 - 14:17

Congratulations, Dr. Yusri said Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health the lake, the hospital admitted Damanhour detained two people suspected of being infected with bird flu, after the emergence of the disease with symptoms similar to them, from the rise in temperature, and pain in the bones, and severe stress and difficulty in breathing.

وتم احتجاز جمعة إبراهيم أبو سعدة (22 سنة) مقيم بكفر الدوار، وكريمة علوانى الدهان (56 سنة) مقيمة بدمنهور، بعد أخذ عينة دم منهما لتحليلها بالمعامل المركزية بالقاهرة.

Were detained Ibrahim Abu Saada Juma (22 years) residing in Kafr Dawar, Alouni and decent paint (56 years) resident Bdinmhor, after taking a blood sample for analysis of their central labs in Cairo.

وعلى الفور انتقلت لجنة مكافحة المرض لمنازل المرضى لتطهيرها، وتطهير المنازل المجاورة وأخذ عينات من الطيور الموجودة بالمنازل لفحصها، وبيان مدى إصابتها.

And immediately transferred to the Committee against the disease for patients, clearing houses, clearing houses nearby and took samples from birds for examination of existing homes, and the extent of her.

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