Thursday, January 28, 2010

China: "Anti-Cruelty to Animals Act," the drafting of Experts: Ban to eat cats and dogs are not uniform

January 27, 2010 Source: Guangzhou Daily

"Anti-Cruelty to Animals Act," drafted illegal to eat cats and dogs or a fine of 5000 arrest for 15 days

我国酝酿出台《反虐待动物法》,专家建议稿正在向公众征求意见,4月份将向相关部门提交。 China's brewing promulgated the "Anti-Cruelty to Animals Act", the experts recommended to the public comments are being issued, the relevant departments will be submitted in April. 其中,违法食用或销售猫狗肉者最高可被罚款五千元并被拘留15天的提法在社会上引发巨大反响。 Among them, consumption or sale of illegal dog a cat a maximum fine of 5000 yuan and detained for 15 days, the formulation caused a huge reaction in the community.

据了解,《反虐待动物法(专家建议稿)》分为9章,大致包括反虐待动物的主要制度,野生动物、经济动物、宠物等多类动物的反虐待措施,动物医疗、动物运输、动物屠宰的反虐待措施,法律责任以及附则。 It is understood that "anti-animal abuse law (experts recommend draft)" is divided into nine chapters, roughly including the main system of anti-cruelty to animals, wildlife, economic animals, pets and other types of animals, the anti-abuse measures, animal health, animal transport, Animal slaughtering anti-abuse measures, and legal responsibilities, and Supplementary Provisions. 其中最引人注目的一条是“违法食用犬、猫或者销售犬、猫肉,将对个人处5000元以下罚款并处15日以下拘留,并责令具结悔过;对单位和组织处1万元以上50万元以下罚款。” One of the most striking one is the "illegal consumption of dogs, cats, or selling dogs, Maorou will be fined from 5,000 to individuals and impose detention for 15, and ordered a statement of repentance; pairs of units and organizations of Branch 1 million yuan a fine of 500,000 yuan. "


hat-tip sharonsanders

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