Saturday, February 27, 2010

Canada and the U.S. develop a new real-time monitoring system for infectious diseases

February 27, 2010 Saturday, 08:23
加拿大多伦多 大学和美国麻省理工学院等机构的研究人员开发出了一种基于互联网的新型综合实时传染病监测系统。 University of Toronto, Canada and the United States institutions such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a new Internet-based integrated real-time infectious disease monitoring system.

本报多伦多2月24日电(记者杜华斌)该系统使用世界航空客运数据,可协助奥运会和其他大规模人员聚集 活动做好传染病预防监测工作。 Newspaper in Toronto February 24 (Xinhua Du Hua-bin) The system uses the world's air passenger data, can help the Olympic Games and other large-scale personnel do a good job gathering the prevention of infectious diseases surveillance. 相关论文发表 在最新出版的《加拿大医学协会杂志》上。 Related papers published in the latest edition of "Canadian Medical Association Journal," on.

参与研究的医 学专家们表示,随着世界人口总数接近70亿,以及乘坐航空交通工具的人员数字急剧上升,再加上经常举行大规模人员聚集的国际活动,比如穆斯林的麦加朝圣、 温哥华冬季奥运会以及即将在加拿大举行的G20峰会等,由此带来的大批人员乘坐飞机旅行,会加速传染病的传播。 Participated in the study of medical experts say, as the world's population close to 70 million, as well as air transport, ride a sharp rise in the number of personnel, coupled with frequent large-scale international events, gathered, such as the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, Vancouver Winter Olympic Games and the upcoming G20 summit held in Canada and so on, and the resulting large number of persons who travel by air will accelerate the spread of infectious diseases. 1991年在 美国举行的特奥会上,就曾发生了麻疹疫情,其根源就在于阿根廷运动员将本国当时正在流行的麻疹传播了开来。 1991 Special Olympics was held in the U.S., there was a measles epidemic occurred, which is rooted in the Argentine player who was the national measles epidemic spread open to.

加美两国研究 人员以本届温哥华冬奥会为案例测试了这种新型模型系统,该系统可在传染病的发源地对传染病进行鉴别,有助于阻止传染病传入大型活动举办地。 Canadian and U.S. researchers to make the upcoming Winter Olympics in Vancouver as a case test of this new model system, the system can be the birthplace of infectious diseases, identification of infectious diseases, help prevent infectious diseases into large-scale events held in. 研究人员在 工作中使用了两种用于全球航空旅行和传染病监测的完全独立的系统模型,并结合每年2月温哥华到港国际航班的历史数据,来预测今年2月冬奥会举行时来温哥华 旅行者的出发地。 The researchers used two kinds of work for global air travel and communicable disease surveillance system model of complete independence, combined with Vancouver to Hong Kong in February each year on international flights of historical data to forecast in February when the Winter Games to be held Vancouver travelers point of departure. 历史数据显 示,旅行者来自于世界上800多个城市,差不多有三分之二的人员来自于研究人员设立的25个中心检测点区域。 Historical data show that travelers from more than 800 cities in the world, nearly two-thirds of officers from the researchers set up 25 central check-point area. 研究人员对这些区域集中进行了实时传染病监测,没有发现有国际性流行传染病对温哥华冬奥会构成严重威 胁。 The researchers will focus on these areas in real-time surveillance of communicable diseases, did not find an international epidemic of infectious diseases pose a serious threat to the Vancouver Winter Olympics.

研究人员认为,将世界航空旅行数据和基于互联网的实时传染病监测结合起来,大大提高了全球传染病形势的 预知能力。 The researchers believe that the world of air travel data and Internet-based real-time surveillance of infectious diseases combined, greatly improving the ability to predict the global infectious disease situation. 他们计划将在今年6月举办的加拿大G20峰会和南非世界杯上再次使用该模型系统,同时对其进行进一步验 证。 They plan to be held in June this year, G20 summit in Canada and South Africa World Cup, again using the model system, while its further validation.

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