Thursday, August 12, 2010

Indonesia: Bengkulu: Penanjung Village: 2 Suspected Cases H5N1

Tempo 15 Day, 304 Poultry Sudden Death
Thursday, August 12, 2010

This poultry was spread in five subdistricts respectively the Taba Penanjung Subdistrict tetapt him in the Taba Penanjung Village. The Merigi Kelindang subdistrict to be precise in the Pagar Agung Village, Kecamatan Talang Empat to be precise in the Lagan Village, Kembang Seri and Taba Pasma. Then, the Fence subdistrict of Teak to be precise in the Layang Lekat Village, as well as Kacematan Pondok Kelapa was in the Pasar Pedati Village and the Ayun Flower. The Disnakkatan head, Durani, S.Pi, said in data collection that was carried out by the Participation Deases Surveylance Response team (PDSR) named 5 positive villages susfect bird flu namely the Taba Penanjung Kecamatan Taba Penanjung Village, Desa Lagan, Taba Pasma, Kembang Seri of the Talang Empat Subdistrict and the Inserted Breaker Pasar Pedati Pondok Kelapa Village. Results rafid test bird flu menhjelaskan 4 villages in the Fortress, susfect bird flu, said Durani.

Said, the plague of this bird flu was expected has plagued to the resident of the Kembang Seri,, Ha (37) and Taba Pasma NR (25). His profit was at once handled by the Puskemas side, so as this sign did not endanger the health of the community and spread to the other resident. Information that we received had two residents who were affected by the sign of bird flu, but could be handled the local Community Health Centre, said Durani. However the resident was asked to continue to be on the alert, to not become the spreading target of this dangerous flu.

In the meantime, the condition 2 patients suspect bird flu till Wednesday (11/8) were still being treated in Isolasi Kemuning RSUD Space M. Yunus continued to improve. Results of the test in the Laboratory of Litbangkes Jakarta against blood and swep the throat liquid of one of the patients, P (19) the resident of the Lempuing District has gone out. Results? The patient was stated by the negative (was not affected) bird flu. "Results" of the "test against blood and swep the P throat liquid already we received, although still took the form of the SMS (the short message through the telephone selular,red) and results" of the "negative." Our decision, the patient contracted the sign of the infection of the lungs (Pneumunia). So not bird flu, said Director RSUD M Yunus Bengkulu Dr. Zulman Zuri Amran through Kasi the Medic's Service Treat Street and Especially Dr.H.Syafriadi,MM to RB in his office yesterday. Revealed by Syafriadi, the patient P sebelu him was stated as suspect bird flu because when being reconciled from the Lempuing Community Health Centre the patient experienced the high fever, breathless and had the story of contact with the poultry that suddenly died. RB observation in the room of his maintenance, P has appeared fresher and has begun to be able to sit ditempat slept. Unlike several days sebelu him that only was rolled over limp ditempat slept. In the meantime, one other patient Vi (27) the resident of the Flower of Seri Talang Empat Bengkulu Tengah (the Fortress), till yesterday still was in the room of his maintenance that was neighbouring with the first patient. According to Syafriadi,

2 rooms of Kemuning Space On the other hand, since spreading him the case of the spreading of extraordinary bird flu that caused the chicken to die suddenly in the Bengkulu City and Bengkulu Tengah (the Fortress), the side RSUD M. Yunus make preparations towards the possibility terinfeksi him the virus H5N1 this to humankind. These preparations covered the medicine, the medical staff, but also the special room was allocated for the affected patient the virus spread this. In this Kemuning Room was provided 2 rooms, respectively 2 beds. "For medicine supplies indeed has been since the case" of "bird flu spread almost all the cities in Indonesia some time set." Whereas the nurse's power will be empowered by the nurse that was in the Kemuning space personally, so as to not have the special nurse only to treat the patient suspect bird flu. For his doctor also was adapted to the requirement for the patient, the example of the child's patient yes had his paediatrician. All that handled the patient will be given special protective clothes, explained Syafriadi. Syafriadi suggested if having the resident who experienced the high fever continually minimal in 2 days, the cough, breathless, pain to the throat, the body was felt limp but also had the story of contact with the chicken died suddenly so that immediately visited the closest community health centre.

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