Saturday, August 14, 2010

Vietnam: Resistance to Antibiotics


About the world health experts recently gave warning about a "virus" is resistant to all antibiotics, spread path of travel and treatment and risk spreading wide on a global scale.

Group "virus," said New Delhi contain enzymes Metallo-beta-lactamase ( NDM-1 ), this enzyme was altered bacteria, make the bacteria resistant to most antibiotics, including carbapenems - the most powerful group of antibiotics, often used in emergencies and cases of severe infections caused by MDR bacteria other causes.

Intermediate Doctor Nguyen, Deputy Head of Emergencies, active treatment, Tropical Disease Hospital Central, on 12 / 8, said the general characteristics of bacteria can be transmitted through exchange of strong, continued exposure to risk type "virus" is spreading to the world, into Vietnam is huge.

Dr. Nguyen Trung level, although this virus has not recorded entering Vietnam but currently, we have noted several similar viruses, is resistant to all antibiotics . The most common Gram-negative bacteria is the gastrointestinal tract.

The bacteria secrete an enzyme referred to as carbapenemase decomposition, reducing the susceptibility of carbapenems antibiotics group. Men have many types, including yeast NDM -1 of bacteria has been discovered in India That is just one of the men there.

In Vietnam, the research does not yet have decoded the genetic sequences of all drug-resistant bacteria to see whether it is an NDM-1 or not, but have found drug-resistant bacteria carry genes similar NDM-1 like bacterial gene IMP, VIM ... They are also resistant carbapenems.

Currently, the infrastructure of health facilities are limited, prevention is cramped, the situation is so common transplant when someone infected with drug-resistant virus, the risk of cross infection in hospitals is very large and difficult to control.

In addition, the abuse of antibiotics, antibiotic use is widespread not follow your doctor's prescription, prescription regimens wrong ... is one of the causes increasing variety of "virus" antibiotic resistance.

To limit the risk of infection in hospitals, patients need to raise awareness in the use of drugs.

These health facilities should perform rigorous technical process against infections that the Ministry of Health has issued. Application of measures to reduce hospital overload. The staff, nurses, doctors in the medical establishment to perform the first wash your hands after visiting patients. /.

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