Thursday, October 14, 2010

Indonesia: 2 Suspected Patients Test Negative

[The two patients that I have recorded are Ha (15) from Sepinggan, and R (5) from Gunung Bahagia.]

Thursday, October 14, 2010

In the meantime 2 patients who it was suspected were affected by bird flu that could be treated in the Kanudjoso Djatiwibowo Public Hospital (RSKD) for the time being negative bird flu, because from results of the inspection that was carried out did not show sign-t you the existence of this deadly virus. "His condition was safe, and showed negative the spread," said one of the RSKD nurses of Isolation space.

Moreover one of the patients who came dai Sepinggan might have come home, although still was told for the routine inspection until the existence produced by the test that was dismissed from the health laboratory in Jakata. Whereas 1 patient still is pre-schoolers (20 months) the resident Rt 32 Damai districts that it was suspected contracted Bird Flu, but after being carried out by his condition inspection was also normal. "My child could experience hot 40 Celsius levels," said the mother of the pre-schooler.

Sementara itu 2 pasien yang diduga terkena flu burung yang sempat dirawat di Rumah Sakit Umum Kanudjoso Djatiwibowo (RSKD) untuk sementara negative flu burung, sebab dari hasil pemeriksaan yang dilakukan tidak menunjukkan tanda-tnda adanya virus yang mematikan tersebut. “Kondisinya aman, dan menunjukkan negative penularan,” kata salah seorang perawat ruang Isolasi RSKD.

Bahkan salah seorang pasien yang berasal dai Sepinggan sudah boleh pulang ke rumah, walaupun masih disuruh untuk pemeriksaan rutin sampai adanya hasil tes yang dikeluarkan dari laboratorium kesehatan di Jakata. Sedangkan 1 pasien lagi adalah balita (20 bulan) warga Rt 32 kelurahan Damai yang dicurigai mengidap Flu Burung, tetapi setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan kondisinya juga normal. “Anak saya sempat mengalami panas 40 derajat Celsius,” kata ibu si balita.

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