Sunday, November 7, 2010

Official to "World Health": bird flu pass from person to person through the next four years "

Editing date 07/11/2010

Warned Dr. Mustafa Orhan Director of the Regional Centre for Avian Health Organization's global mutation of bird flu, that he had the ability to transfer infection from an infected person to another sound, when it was only in the past on transmission from infected birds to humans. "Said Orhan, it is with the onset of winter and low temperatures the virus spreads and multiplies again, but this year and years to come will be more dangerous than its predecessor, according to the Egyptians, because the large number of human contact with birds may lead to the mutation of the disease, and HIV transmission from birds to humans, then after a move from an infected person to another sound, and expected this to occur during the next four years, "one hundred per cent". "

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