Friday, January 21, 2011

Egypt: The death of an emerging influenza because of Menoufia

Vaccination did not prevent the continued spread of avian flu in Egypt


The Directorate of Health Menoufia, today, reported the case of deaths from influenza emerging citizen named Mustafa Congratulations Abdul Fattah Abu bowl (51 years), and a resident of the village "Dberki" of the Menof; after 3 days of detention Fever Hospital Shebin.

وقامت مديرية الصحة بالمنوفية بتطهير منزل المتوفى، وأخذ عينات من أقاربه والمخالطين له، وإرسالها إلى المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة بالقاهرة لتحليلها؛ لبيان إصابتهم بالمرض من عدمه. The Directorate of Health Menoufia clearing house of the deceased, and to take samples of his relatives and his contacts, and sent to labs central Ministry of Health in Cairo for analysis; to indicate whether the disease.

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