Friday, January 7, 2011

#Egypt: Fayoum - 1 Death, admitted yesterday

my updated list:

1/6 – 2 suspected cases

Name: Muhammad O.T. (35/32) from Dobaar Center Obcoay

Adm: 1/6

From: Village center Dobaar Ibcoay

Hospital: Fayoum General Hospital

Sym’s: high temp, shortness of breath

DOD: 1/7

Confirmation: Tests Pending

The death of man suspected of being infected with swine flu in Fayoum
Friday, January 7, 2011 - 16:44
Died this morning, Friday, intensive care Fayoum General Hospital "Muhammad. O. T" (32 years) from the village center Dobaar Ibcoay who was suspected of being infected with swine flu in Fayoum.

كان تم احتجازه أمس الأول، الأربعاء، للاشتباه فى إصابته بالمرض بعد معاناته من ارتفاع درجات الحرارة وضيق التنفس، وتم أخذ العينات اللازمة منه وإرسالها للمعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة لتحليلها. Had been held yesterday, Wednesday, on suspicion of being infected with the disease after suffering from high temperature and shortness of breath, and taking the necessary samples and sent to labs central Ministry of Health for analysis.

من ناحية أخرى تم اليوم، الجمعة، احتجاز سيدة تدعى "نجية. م" البالغة من العمر (70 عاما) من قرية تطون بمركز إطسا للاشتباه فى إصابتها بالمرض، وتم أخذ العينات اللازمة منها لإرسالها للمعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة للتأكد من إصابتها بالمرض من عدمه. On the other hand was today, Friday, detention of a woman named "Najia. M"-year-old (70 years) from the village Tton Center Etsa on suspicion of being infected with the disease, the samples were taken for them to be sent to the central laboratories of the Ministry of Health to make sure of her illness or not.

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