Monday, January 24, 2011

#Egypt: Menoufia - Death From Swine Flu

[Two posts down, I posted where they found confirmed H5N1 in poultry in yet another house in Menoufia. That would make the 7th house in the past few days. It is pretty clear, there is H1N1 and H5N1 in Menoufia...]

The death of the ninth case of swine flu Menoufia

الإثنين، 24 يناير 2011 - 20:13 Monday, January 24, 2011 - 20:13

The Directorate of Health Menoufia for the death of new cases of bird flu is the ninth case this year to maintain, and it tested positive for a student, "Marwa Gamal Hassan Mahdi" (23 years) from the city Menouf.

وأشار الدكتور هشام عطا يوسف، وكيل وزارة الصحة بالمنوفية، إلى أنه تم احتجاز الحالة بمستشفى شبين الكوم التعليمى، وذلك بعد ظهور أعراض المرض عليها من ضيق بالتنفس والآم بالمفاصل وارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة.

Dr. Atta, Hisham Youssef, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Menoufia, that status was detained El Kom Teaching Hospital, after the onset of illness from shortness of breath and sore joints and high temperature.

وأكد وكيل وزارة الصحة بالمنوفية إلى أنه تم أخذ عينات من المخالطين لها، وإرسالها إلى المعامل المركزية بالوزارة، للتأكد من مدى الإصابة مع عزلهم داخل غرف العزل المخصصة بالمستشفيات وإعطائهم العلاج المناسب. The

Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Menoufia that samples were taken from her contacts, and sent to labs central Ministry, to ascertain the extent of infection with isolation within isolation rooms allocated to hospitals and giving them proper treatment.

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