Sunday, September 11, 2011

Indonesia: Lower Bolmong Distanak Anticipation Tim Bird Flu

TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID, BOLMONG - H5NI virus that lebig known bird flu outbreak not only Kotamobagu but also into the area Bolaang Mongondow (Bolmong). Friday (9/9/2011), teams of bird flu survellens Bolmong Kingdom exterminate no fewer than 30 birds in the village of South Ttanoyan, District Lolayan.

Head of Department of Agriculture and Livestock (Distanak) Bolaang Mongondow Channy Wajong explained after the outbreak of bird flu cases in Kotamobagu, his side carried out the monitoring in 12 districts mainly poultry farm in central areas and Dumoga Laloyan United.

"Time can be informed that the H5N1 virus found Kotamobagu back, I was immediately sent down a team to comb the 12th District in Bolmong, and is found in the District Lolayan," said Channy, Sunday (09/11/2011).

It is said, there's about 20 chickens that suddenly died suddenly in the village of South Tanoyan. After obtaining the information, it was with the team perform culling bird flu survelens 30 birds at the scene.

"We also held a spray disinfectant. The same thing we will be implementing in other areas for precaution," he added.

Meanwhile, Team Leader Survellen AI Bolmong Kingdom drh Insani Muhammad said it had sent samples of the virus found in Kotamobagu to be examined at the Veterinary Institute in Maros and Jakarta to do laboratory tests. Moreover, there are suggestions that the virus is more virulent.

"Poultry until the swelling in the head, blue and bleeding. H5N1 virus is fixed, here there is no equipment to be sent to Maros samplenya and Jakarta," said Muhammad.

Currently, it is still awaiting results of samples sent by the virus. He admitted that he could not conclude malignancy virus.

"We are now awaiting the results, it could be more virulent virus, but for the certainty we are still awaiting the results of the Maros and Jakarta," he said.

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