Thursday, September 8, 2011

New Zealand: Victorian Authorities Searching For Options to Evade Avian Flu Problem

Victorian authorities are quite tense after the arrival of this new bird flu called as avian paramyxovirus, which is acting heavily on pigeons and is responsible for killing groups of domesticated pigeons in six different properties, and due to this authority have announced the quarantine for other 14 properties.

Bass Strait is famous for hosting pigeons’ race, but owing to this flu eruption authorities concerned have cancelled the race and have asked the owners to keep their domesticated poultry and pigeons in isolation in order to avoid any further contraction with the flu.

Though no major risk is found to be transferred to humans, Primary Industries Department has advised pigeon owners to avoid any contact with their domesticated birds, in order to avoid any chance to develop the flu and has also asked to maintain bio-security measures to reduce the risk of disease. As per veterinary authorities, humans could only be contracted with the disease, if they are in proximity with pigeons. Even, poultry is at great risk.

Every viable option has been searched by the Victorian medical council, but they are not able to reach at some positive conclusion. Still they are trying hard to search for vaccine.

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