Friday, October 21, 2011

1 Yr. old suspected of bird flu at Sanglah Hospital

 1 Yr. old suspected of bird flu at Sanglah Hospital

Referred Without Delivered Ambulance ...
''Patient Suspect Bird Flu''confused officer Sanglah Hospital

October 22, 2011 | BP
 (Bali Post) -

The arrival of bird flu suspect patients without escorted ambulance confuse Sanglah Hospital. Family consisting of father, mother and two children in groups to come to the IRD Sanglah Hospital around 10:30 pm, Friday (21/10) yesterday to check their youngest child, who was ill.

They immediately signed up and waited in front of the IRD for the examination. When asked about the officer's sick child, the mother claimed that her son is a patient suspect bird flu. His son is named Arn (1) was taken to hospital to be checked before Wangaya referred to Sanglah Hospital. "The word doctor the possibility of bird flu my child because I live in an environment where there are dead birds," said the mother.

This recognition makes surprise cash IRD officers Sanglah Hospital. The problem is, the patient suspect bird flu should be taken by ambulance and taken straight to the room Nusa Indah. To refer patients there must be coordination of the referring party and Sanglah Hospital as a recipient of the patient suspect bird flu.

The officer then gave a family mask and asked to go directly to Room Nusa Indah. Without waiting for an ambulance escorted the patient Arn then brought his family to a room with dibonceng Nusa Indah motorcycle. Until yesterday afternoon, Arn is still in intensive care in Room AI which is housed in Room Nusa Indah Sanglah Hospital.

Confirmed the referred patients, the Head of Program and Publication Wangaya Ketut RS RS Wangaya Sutikayasa recognize if a child who refer patients suspected of having bird flu symptoms. According to the pediatrician who examined Wangaya Hospital, dr. Paramita, Sp.A., Arn comes with a high fever and cough. Paramita then ask if there are dead birds on the patient's home environment. From the family is known that in an environment where the victim lived in Ahmad Yani Housing Block 12 Denpasar there are some birds that died suddenly. "Patients are still in good condition despite having fever and cough. Because there is history of birds died, the patient was referred to Sanglah Hospital for further examination," says Paramita when contacted on Friday (21/10) yesterday. The reason patients are not delivered an ambulance, according to Paramita, because the patient has a personal vehicle.

Team Secretary for bird flu dr. Ken Wirasandhi, based on the SOPs if the patient is suspected of bird flu found in local hospital or clinic, the patient should be delivered by ambulance officers accompanied the use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to Sanglah Hospital. The goal is not to IRD but directly into the room Nusa Indah. From there it will do further investigation. If the examination is known leads to bird flu patients, then patients will be treated in the Intensive Space Bird Flu Nusa Indah and handled according to SOPs bird flu. If it does not lead to bird flu, then the patient will be treated in the usual care.

Ken continued, if a patient with symptoms of bird flu found in IRD Sanglah Hospital or Polyclinic Hospital Sanglah, the next action is to send patients to a room Nusa Indah using the ambulance for further examination. ''The use of an ambulance is to disinfect the virus so as not to contaminate all the way to Space Nusa Indah. Ambulances are also sprayed with disinfectant before exiting as well as officers wearing PPE tool,''explained Ken.

With the escape of a patient suspected suspect bird flu to RS Sanglah without escorted ambulance, because there is no doubt from the medical side in determining patient suspected. ''For that before referral should be explored whether there was avian mortality. Do not get there, the patient had his blood checked whether the cause is due to bacteria or viruses. If confirmed as a virus, a new patient is referred,''explained Ken.
Hattip Shiloh

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