Thursday, December 1, 2011

Indonesia: Detention of 8 Prosecutors Suspected Corruption #Birdflu Fund Valued @ Rp118.4 mil.

December 1, 2011 18:09

Sekko-Assistant Meet Kajari, parliament-civil servant Participate Membezuk

Detention of eight suspects prosecutors alleged corruption cases of bird flu fund valued at Rp118, 4 million, making an uproar among the bureaucracy and parliament. In fact, City Secretary and Assistant Irwandi Datuak Batujuah Richard II Sekko Moesa, had met Tri Kajari Karyono.

Irwandi and Richard met Tri Karyono, about half an hour before the eight suspects, namely Fitriadi Wilson, Jenny Day, Antoni, Ekarina Yulia, Ade Surya Saputra, Gusman Efendi, Rahmidarwati, and Susi Suheni, prosecutors brought to the penitentiary, by car prisoners BA MC 9988.

It is unclear, what is delivered to the Tri Irwandi and Richard. Surely, after meeting with prosecutors from Klaten, Central Java, Irwandi and Richard, look alike to meet eight suspects who checked in the room Special Criminal, District Attorney Payakumbuh.

I met with 8 suspects, and Richard looks Irwandi greet them one by one. Although there is no comment submitted to reporters or to the eight suspects, but from the look on his face Irwandi and Richard, it seems clear that they are concerned with affecting the suspects, especially the seven officers and employees of the Department of Agriculture.

Irwandi and Richard are not the only officials who came to see eight suspects. Fifty-two legislators City, Zulfahmi of the Democratic Party and Noviyuliasni Datuak Paduko Rajo of the United Development Party came to be seen also briefly meet Fitriadi Wilson, who joined their colleagues were arrested.

In addition to legislators, dozens of employees of Department of Agriculture Payakumbuh also alternated come to Kejari Payakumbuh. The employees came to give moral support to their friends who stumble legal cases. In addition to providing support, number of employees was also seen crying.

They did not expect, seven of their friends would be arrested on the prosecutor. For they heard on Wednesday that new prosecutors receive dossiers of alleged corruption fund bird flu from the police. But the opposite happened, so accept the file 8 suspects, prosecutors immediately handed a pink letter.

[continued, click on title for full article]

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