Monday, June 4, 2012

Hong Kong Consulate Message #H5N1 #BIRDFLU

Message for U.S. Citizens: Pandemic Influenza Warning

U. S. Consulate General Hong Kong
June 4, 2012

On June 2, Hong Kong's Center for Health Protection raised the Pandemic Influenza Warning Status from "Alert" to "Serious" in light of the confirmed avian influenza (H5N1) infection of a 2 year old boy who had traveled to Hong Kong with his parents from Guangzhou. Avian influenza is a type of Influenza A virus that mainly affects birds and poultry. Occasionally it can be transmitted to humans if a person has close contact with infected birds/poultry.

The boy appears to have been infected by the virus when he was exposed to live poultry at a Guangzhou wet market in mid-May. Neither the boy's parents nor his treating physicians have contracted the virus indicating that the case appears to be isolated and that human-to-human transmission appears unlikely.

Nevertheless CHP advises increased vigilance to prevent avian influenza, including heightened attention to the following measures:

  • Avoid touching poultry, birds or their droppings, because they may carry the avian influenza virus; young children in particular should avoid exposure to live poultry.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with liquid soap and water immediately in case of contact with poultry, birds or their droppings;
  • Keep hands clean and wash hands properly;
  • Cover nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing with tissue; if no tissue is available, cough or sneeze into upper sleeve or elbow. Don't use your hands. Dispose sputum or secretions wrapped in tissue paper into rubbish bins with lids. Wash hands with liquid soap and water afterwards;
  • Build up good body resistance and have a healthy lifestyle. This can be achieved through a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate rest, reducing stress and no smoking;
  • Poultry and eggs should be thoroughly cooked before eating;
  • Maintain good environmental hygiene;
  • Maintain good indoor ventilation;
  • Avoid crowded places with poor ventilation if feeling unwell;
  • Seek medical advice if fever or respiratory symptoms develop.

More information on Avian Influenza is available at the Centre for Health Protection website. The CHP has also set up a public inquiry line @ 2125 1111.

For up to date information about the influenza situation, please consult the Hong Kong Centre for Health Protection's Daily Update of Influenza Situation, available on the Centre for Health Protection website.

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