Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Indonesia: Bird Flu Threatens Population Ducks Semarang

[It will be interesting to see if the suspected case is confirmed.  And if he is confirmed, is it clade  2.3.2.?]

December 19, 2012 Ungaran - Following the discovery of cases of bird flu duck in 21 areas in Central Java, population 200 thousand duck in Semarang regency was threatened. Chief of Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakan) Semarang regency, Ir Anang Dwinanta megatakan, cases of bird flu duck, which is a mutation of the H5N1 virus, spreading to vulnerable regions. "Because ducks traffic coming into the district of Semarang until now difficult to control," said Sam, who was confirmed in Ungaran Wednesday (19/12).
According to him, the traffic in and out of duck in the border region with other areas of Semarang District no special supervision. Similarly trade to bring in duck from outside Semarang District also does not permit or subject to certain conditions. Consequently, he said, traffic that duck in and out of the district of Semarang freely open and even very free. Moreover, access to the district's border with quite a lot of other areas. As borders County Waterford, Kendal, Grobogan, Boyolali and Magelang and Salatiga. "Trouble is, if the incoming ducks infected with virus mutation, the bird flu disease in ducks are prone to spread in Semarang Regency," he explained.

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